What’s up with ‘UP’?


Words have a power all their own (Photo credit: Lynne Hand)
Words have a power all their own (Photo credit: Lynne Hand)

Many say that learning English is easy. It may be and maybe not. This two-letter word ‘UP’ listed in the dictionary as an adverb, adjective, preposition, noun or verb, perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word in English.

The word ‘UP’ could mean “toward the sky”, “at the top of a hill”, and “at the top of a list” and so on.

Wake UP. Speak UP.

At a meeting, or when conversing with friends, why does a topic always come UP?

Why does a candidate stand UP for election? If tied, it would be a toss UP.

It is UP to the secretary to write UP a report.

On a weekend, women can brighten UP the living room, polish UP the silver, clean UP the kitchen, warm UP the leftovers, and then call UP friends to come over for a card game and gossip; men can fix UP their car, lock UP the house, and then go on a drinking spree with friends.

At times, people line UP for tickets for the game, unnecessarily stir UP trouble, work UP an appetite with whiskey or whatever, and then think UP excuses to tell their wife.

Men dress UP for occasions, but women always do.

A blocked UP drain must be opened UP.

The shopkeeper opens UP his store in the morning and closes it UP at night.

To understand the proper uses of ‘UP’, look UP the word ‘UP’ in the dictionary where it takes UP almost a quarter of the page and can add UP or come up to about thirty definitions.

Why not try building UP a summary of the several ways ‘UP’ can be used? It will take UP a lot of your time. UP to it?

Anytime it threatens to rain, it clouds UP. When the sun comes out, it clears UP. When ever it rains, it soaks UP, the ground. If it does not rain, for some time, things do dry UP.

We seem to be pretty mixed UP about ‘UP’!

Do you still think learning English is easy?


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Six Word Saturday – September 29, 2012 : Our Stupid Life!

Here’s my entry for Six Word Saturday:


Click on the badge above for more details on this challenge.

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Where Did All the Bees Go?


Honeybees pollinate diverse crops such as apples, blueberries, almonds, broccoli, watermelon, onions, cherries and hundreds of other fruits and vegetables that make up one-third of the food on our table. Millions of beehives worldwide have emptied out as honeybees mysteriously disappear. The question is, “Will we be able to eat any fruits and vegetables ten years from now?” 

Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Beekeepers in the United States have lost about 30 percent of their bees each year, over the past five years.

Dave Hackenberg makes a living by moving his beehives from field to field to pollinate diverse crops such as Florida melons, Pennsylvania apples, Maine blueberries, California almonds, broccoli, watermelon, onions, cherries and hundreds of other fruits and vegetables that make up one-third of the food on our tables. Hackenberg trucks his honeybees up and down the East Coast and often coast to coast.

In the fall of 2006, as he had done for more than 42 years, Hackenberg migrated his bees from their central Pennsylvania summer home to their winter locale in central Florida. Initially, when he checked on his pollinators, the colonies were “boiling over” with bees. However, a month later, a thunderstruck Hackenberg noticed that more than half of the 3,000 hives completely devoid of bees.  Many of the remaining colonies had lost large numbers of worker bees, and only the young workers and the queen remained and seemed healthy. However, no dead bees were in sight.

In 2009, George Langworthy, Maryam Henein produced a documentary “Vanishing of the Bees.” This follows commercial beekeepers David Hackenberg and Dave Mendes as they strive to keep their bees healthy and fulfill pollination contracts across the U.S.

The documentary centers around the sudden disappearance of honeybees from beehives around the world, caused by the poorly understood phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. This documentary takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the global disappearance of the honeybee. It looks at farming landscape and celebrates the age-old and sacred association between man and the honeybee. The “Vanishing of the Bees” unfolds a stirring tale of science and mystery. It highlights this extraordinary crisis and its greater meaning regarding the association between human beings and Mother Earth.


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Earthquakes Over 6.0 Mwp – Three Days in a Row.

I am worried. Three middle-class earthquakes in a row. These are alerts I received from the National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey 




Preliminary Earthquake Report

Magnitude 6.0 MwpDate-Time
27 Sep 2012 23:53:49 UTC
28 Sep 2012 10:53:49 near epicenter
27 Sep 2012 18:53:49 standard time in your timezoneLocation8.825S 157.557EDepth 9 kmDistances
112 km (70 miles) SE (136 degrees) of Gizo, Solomon Islands
184 km (114 miles) WSW (242 degrees) of Dadali, Solomon Islands
261 km (162 miles) SSE (157 degrees) of Chirovanga, Solomon Islands
272 km (169 miles) WNW (285 degrees) of HONIARA, Solomon Islands
1139 km (708 miles) E (87 degrees) of PORT MORESBY, Papua New GuineaLocation Uncertainty Horizontal: 14.7 km; Vertical 2.8 kmParameters Nph = 190; Dmin = 271.7 km; Rmss = 1.45 seconds; Gp = 36°

M-type = Mwp; Version = 6

Event ID us c000cxd5




Preliminary Earthquake Report

Magnitude 6.9 MwpDate-Time
26 Sep 2012 23:39:58 UTC
26 Sep 2012 14:39:58 near epicenter
26 Sep 2012 18:39:58 standard time in your TimezoneLocation 51.583N 178.200WDepth 40 kmDistances
112 km (70 miles) WSW (253 degrees) of Adak, AK
282 km (175 miles) WSW (258 degrees) of Atka, AK
2026 km (1259 miles) WSW (251 degrees) of Anchorage, AK
Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 14.4 km; Vertical 7.5 kmParameters
Nph = 715; Dmin = 110.4 km; Rmss = 1.16 seconds; Gp = 51°
M-type = Mwp; Version = 7Event ID us c000cwni





Preliminary Earthquake Report

Magnitude 6.2 MwpDate-Time
25 Sep 2012 23:45:26 UTC
25 Sep 2012 17:45:26 near epicenter
25 Sep 2012 18:45:26 standard time in your TimezoneLocation 24.835N 110.152WDepth 10 kmDistances
75 km (47 miles) N (11 degrees) of La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
154 km (96 miles) E (98 degrees) of Constitución, Baja California Sur, Mexico
155 km (96 miles) SW (220 degrees) of Ahome, Sinaloa, Mexico
1086 km (675 miles) SE (140 degrees) of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 13.7 km; Vertical 1.9 kmParameters
Nph = 441; Dmin = 470.7 km; Rmss = 1.12 seconds; Gp = 69°
M-type = Mwp; Version = AEvent ID us c000cw0l
The following is a selected, incomplete list of significant earthquakes and may not have the most up-to-date, authoritative information for each earthquake.
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Reddit Users Attempt to Shame Sikh Woman, Get Righteously Schooled

A little known fact is that you would hardly find a Sikh begging anywhere. Statistically, Sikhs contribute 33% of the total income tax in India, 67% of total charities, comprise 45% of the Indian army. Their Gurudwaras (places of worship) serve food, free of charge, to the poor – regardless of age, religion, gender – every day. This, in spite of Sikhs forming less than 2% of the Indian population and being picked up for butt of many jokes.  Balpreet Kaur happens to be one such person whose attitude and courage depict what Sikh believe to be everyday normalcy. For that, any amount of praise is insufficient. It is people like these who make me feel ashamed of myself, and rightly so. – A non-Sikh non-resident Indian from Kerala, in NYC.

Also, wearing turbans for women is a sign of inner strength and empowerment because we too are equal to Sikh men. Sikhism advocates total equality for both genders [the only difference between them are the last names] and therefore, it is okay, however rare the occurrence, for a woman to adorn herself with the turban just like her male counterparts. I encourage everyone to go and google and expand their knowledge of the sheer diversity in this nation – as will I; and gain a better understanding of each other. – Balpreet Kaur

By  Lindy West


A Reddit user going by the handle “european_douchebag” posted a surreptitious photo of a Sikh woman with the caption “i’m not sure what to conclude from this.” The user’s apparent confusion stems from the fact that the woman—bound by her religion not to cut her hair or alter her body—has an abundance of dark, untrimmed facial hair. The mind of european_douchebag was SO INCREDIBLY BLOWN by the fact that women have hair on their bodies—and, yes, faces—and that some women are bold, self-assured, and pious enough not to cave to western beauty standards (and gender expectations), there was nothing for him to do but post her photo online and wait for the abuse to flood in.

But then something totally lovely and unexpected happened. The woman in the photo responded:

Hey, guys. This is Balpreet Kaur, the girl from the picture. I actually didn’t know about this until one of my friends told on Facebook. If the OP wanted a picture, they could have just asked and I could have smiled 🙂 However, I’m not embarrassed or even humiliated by the attention [negative and positive] that this picture is getting because, it’s who I am. Yes, I’m a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair. Yes, I realize that my gender is often confused and I look different than most women. However, baptized Sikhs believe in the sacredness of this body – it is a gift that has been given to us by the Divine Being [which is genderless, actually] and, must keep it intact as a submission to the divine will. Just as a child doesn’t reject the gift of his/her parents, Sikhs do not reject the body that has been given to us. By crying ‘mine, mine’ and changing this body-tool, we are essentially living in ego and creating a separateness between ourselves and the divinity within us. By transcending societal views of beauty, I believe that I can focus more on my actions. My attitude and thoughts and actions have more value in them than my body because I recognize that this body is just going to become ash in the end, so why fuss about it? When I die, no one is going to remember what I looked like, heck, my kids will forget my voice, and slowly, all physical memory will fade away. However, my impact and legacy will remain: and, by not focusing on the physical beauty, I have time to cultivate those inner virtues and hopefully, focus my life on creating change and progress for this world in any way I can. So, to me, my face isn’t important but the smile and the happiness that lie behind the face are. 🙂 So, if anyone sees me at OSU, please come up and say hello. I appreciate all of the comments here, both positive and less positive because I’ve gotten a better understanding of myself and others from this. Also, the yoga pants are quite comfortable and the Better Together T-shirt is actually from Interfaith Youth Core, an organization that focuses on storytelling and engagement between different faiths. 🙂 I hope this explains everything a bit more, and I apologize for causing such confusion and uttering anything that hurt anyone.

And then, THEN, something even more miraculous happened—the original poster apologized:

I know that this post ISN’T a funny post but I felt the need to apologize to the Sikhs, Balpreet, and anyone else I offended when I posted that picture. Put simply it was stupid. Making fun of people is funny to some but incredibly degrading to the people you’re making fun of. It was an incredibly rude, judgmental, and ignorant thing to post.

Funny wasn’t the proper place to post this. Maybe racism or douchebagsofreddit or intolerance would have been more appropriate. Reddit shouldn’t be about putting people down, but a group of people sending cool, interesting, or funny things. Reddit’s been in the news alot lately about a lot of cool things we’ve done, like a freaking AMA by the president. I’m sorry for being the part of reddit that is intolerant and douchebaggy. This isn’t 4chan, or 9gag, or some other stupid website where people post things like I did. It’s fucking reddit. Where some pretty amazing stuff has happened.

I’ve read more about the Sikh faith and it was actually really interesting. It makes a whole lot of sense to work on having a legacy and not worrying about what you look like. I made that post for stupid internet points and I was ignorant.

So reddit I’m sorry for being an asshole and for giving you negative publicity.
Balpreet, I’m sorry for being a closed minded individual. You are a much better person than I am
Sikhs, I’m sorry for insulting your culture and way of life.
Balpreet’s faith in what she believes is astounding.

Holy shit, internet, I don’t even know you anymore! I never thought something would come out of the seeping necrotic abscess that is Reddit that would actually make my day better, but wow. MY HEART GREW THREE SIZES THIS DAY.

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How Do You Respond to Someone’s Good News?


Myself By T.V. Antony Raj


Your friend Harry announces his marriage would take place next month. What is the best method to respond to news such as this?

Fortunately, in English, we have a word – Congratulations.

Send Harry a card or letter saying, “Congratulations on your engagement,” or “Congratulations on getting married.”

Other than “congratulations” there are lots of other words that can be said in person such as, “Ah excellent!” “That is fantastic news!” “Are you excited?” “That is splendid news!” “Is it?” “Fantastic, good luck.”

To enliven your conversation, ask a few questions.

Add words such as “fantastic,” “great” or “wonderful” – or use any other positive word. However, there is no need to say, “That’s fantastic news” when talking. We can often use positive words like “fantastic” or “splendid” by themselves.

Some use the words “how” and “what” in phrases such as, “How splendid!” or “What splendid news!” However, they are quite old-fashioned.

Remember that any good news embodies some elements of surprise; therefore, use phrases like, “Is she!” or “Wow, I didn’t know that!” in your response.

By the way, “Wow” – W-O-W – is a word used when really surprised by something – and pleased.

These two phrases might come in handy. “I’m really pleased to hear that…” and “I’m really happy for you.


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ICC T20 World Cup 2012 Cricket Tournament Super 8 Matches Schedule


ICC Twenty20 Cricket World Cup 2012 Super 8 Groups and Teams have been finalized with 2 groups having 4 teams in each group.

Starting from September 27th, teams in the Super Eight stage will fight for a place in the top 4 that would play semi finals.

Date and Time


Thu Sep 27
10:00 GMT | 15:30 local
06:00 EDT | 05:00 CDT | 03:00 PDT
13th Match, Super 8, Group 1
Sri Lanka v New Zealand
Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
Thu Sep 27
14:00 GMT | 19:30 local
10:00 EDT | 09:00 CDT |
07:00 PDT
14th Match, Super 8, Group 1  England Vs West Indies
Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
Fri Sep 28
10:00 GMT | 15:30 local
06:00 EDT | 05:00 CDT |
03:00 PDT
15th Match, Super 8, Group 2
Pakistan Vs South Africa
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Fri Sep 2814:00 GMT | 19:30 local10:00 EDT | 09:00 CDT | 07:00 PDT 16th Match, Super 8, Group 2 Australia Vs India
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sat Sep 29
10:00 GMT | 15:30 local
06:00 EDT | 05:00 CDT |
03:00 PDT
17th Match, Super 8, Group 1
England Vs New Zealand
Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
Sat Sep 29
14:00 GMT | 19:30 local
10:00 EDT | 09:00 CDT |
07:00 PDT
18th Match, Super 8, Group 1Sri Lanka Vs West Indies
Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
Sun Sep 30
10:00 GMT | 15:30 local
06:00 EDT | 05:00 CDT |
03:00 PDT
19th Match, Super 9, Group 2 Australia Vs South AfricaR. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sun Sep 30
14:00 GMT | 19:30 local
10:00 EDT | 09:00 CDT |
07:00 PDT
20th Match, Super 8, Group 2
India Vs Pakistan
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Mon Oct 1
10:00 GMT | 15:30 local
06:00 EDT | 05:00 CDT |
03:00 PDT
21st Match, Super 8, Group 1
New Zealand Vs West Indies
Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
Mon Oct 1
14:00 GMT | 19:30 local
10:00 EDT | 09:00 CDT |
07:00 PDT
22nd Match, Super 8, Group 1
Sri Lanka Vs England
Pallekele International Cricket Stadium
Tue Oct 2
10:00 GMT | 15:30 local
06:00 EDT | 05:00 CDT |
03:00 PDT
23rd Match, Super 8, Group 2 Australia Vs Pakistan
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Tue Oct 2
14:00 GMT | 19:30 local
10:00 EDT | 09:00 CDT |
07:00 PDT
24th Match, Super 8, Group 2
India Vs South Africa
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Thu Oct 4
13:30 GMT | 19:00 local
09:30 EDT | 08:30 CDT |
06:30 PDT
1st Semi-Final – TBC Vs TBC
(Super 8 Group-1 1 Vs Super 8 Group-2 2)
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Fri Oct 5
13:30 GMT | 19:00 local
09:30 EDT | 08:30 CDT |
06:30 PDT
2nd Semi-Final – TBC Vs TBC(Super 8 Group-2 1 Vs Super 8 Group-1 2
)R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo
Sun Oct 7
13:30 GMT | 19:00 local
09:30 EDT | 08:30 CDT |
06:30 PDT
Final – TBC Vs TBC
R. Premadasa Stadium, Colombo

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Meteorite or Space Junk Spotted in Night Sky Across UK

This photo of Meteor or Space Junk taken from Tyneside by a taxi driver!!
This photo of Meteor or Space Junk taken from Tyneside by a taxi driver!!

On September 21, 2012, thousands of people across Northern Ireland, central Scotland including North of England, the Midlands and East Anglia reported seeing a meteor shoot across the night sky and break into pieces.

Many people described it as a bright fireball with a large tail moving across the night sky.

Picture of the balls of light in the sky above Llantrisant taken by Emily Solman
Picture of the balls of light in the sky above Llantrisant taken by Emily Solman

The Kielder Observatory, located in Kielder Forest, Northumberland, England, twitted: “Huge fire ball from east at 9.55 UTC heading west mag -6 to -7”; “Any other observers? this was big, trajectory went from east, south east and headed to the west, broke up over west coast, many fragments”; “Many many fragments maybe in excess of 100 pieces started green went Yellow, no sound but long obvious termination lasted 20-30 seconds”; “This was an incredible object, different trajectory than March event…lots of structure, slow moving and displaying colour.”

No one knows whether it was a meteor or burning space junk. To many it was just a large fireball. Some suggest that the brilliant sphere of light was not a meteorite but space debris that combusted as it reentered Earth’s atmosphere. Jodrell Bank Observatory tweeted: ‘No real consensus on whether last night’s spectacular fireball was a space rock burning up or space junk (bit of spacecraft).”

The coastguard worried whether it was a crashing aircraft. However, a spokesman for Forth Coastguard said: “From talking to other stations and to the RAF it’s almost certainly meteorite activity.”

Video: Meteor Over Cheshire, September 21, 2012


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Stop Kudankulam fuelling, lives are at stake!

By Dr. A .Gopalakrishnan (a past chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board)

English: Internationally recognized symbol. De...

The government, through its Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), the Nuclear Power Corporation Limited (NPCIL), and the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) is racing to bring the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project, Unit-1 (KNPP-1) to full-power operation at the earliest. The questions predominantly troubling the conscientious public today are simply these: Is the Kudankulam Unit-1 ready for introduction of nuclear fuel assemblies into its core (‘fuelling’), having fully completed all the safety modifications and additions recommended by AERB’s Post-Fukushima Committee to Review Safety of Indian Nuclear Power Plants? What other mandatory, pre-fuelling safety-related tasks such as conducting proper emergency drills in villages within a 30 km-radius of the reactors remain? What are the serious implications to public safety if NPCIL and AERB move forward with fuelling activity and bring this reactor to its full power of 1000 MWe in the current state of inadequate and incomplete safety status?

On some of the glaring defaults of the current actions of the DAE, NPCIL and the AERB vis-à-vis KNPP-1, there are three Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) currently before the Supreme Court of India. The next hearing of one SLP that seriously pleads for stopping fuelling activity is set for September 27. As early as on March 26, 2012 , a writ petition (no. 8262) was filed in the Madras High Court for a direction against the DAE, NPCIL, AERB and others to implement all the recommendations of the AERB’s Post-Fukushima Report before fuel-loading is started. In response, the AERB counsel informed the court , “— that before initial fuel loading is done, the compliance of all the requirements under Annexure-8 (of the AERB report) will be ensured by the AERB and it is only after its satisfaction any direction (for loading fuel) will be given—” . Subsequently , the High Court decided to reserve its orders on August 2, 2012 , pending detailed judgement to follow.

n the interim, since the court had not imposed any stay on actions by NPCIL and AERB, chairman, AERB, used this opportunity to issue a clearance for initial fuel loading of KNPP-1 on August 10 after reviews by their internal committees. The original petitioner then filed yet another writ petition (no. 22253) in the Madras HC on August 13, challenging the fuel-loading clearance given by AERB, even while 11 out of the 17 safety recommendations of the AERB’s Post-Fukushima Report still remained to be implemented. AERB, in reply to this writ petition, submitted two affidavits, first one on August 18 and another on August 22.

he post-Fukushima evaluations by an independent AERB committee, headed by a past chairman of the AERB had recommended 17 safety upgrades in Annexure-8 of its report. The committee, however, did not sort these on the basis of relative importance, urgency or priority. The sense you get from this report is that all 17 corrective steps are equally important and AERB must insist on all of them being fully implemented and tested before fuel-loading is permitted. This is consistent with the affidavit earlier submitted to the Madras HC by Mr R. Suresh Kumar, counsel for AERB, “ — that before initial fuel loading is done, the compliance of all the requirements under Annexure-8 will be ensured by the AERB and it is only after its satisfaction that any direction will be given—–” .

However, in their affidavits to the same court on August 18 and 22, AERB reversed its stand by stating, “—recommendations in Annexure-8 of the Post-Fukushima Report were considered (by the internal AERB committees) during review of the application for fuel loading submitted by NPCIL. The review indicated that KNPP-1 has adequate safety measures against external events — In order to further enhance safety , as an abundant measure , some additional safety enhancements proposed by NPCIL were reviewed in depth and accepted for implementation in a phased manner.”

“Based on the review and resolution of NPCIL submissions, AERB agreed for short-term (less than six months) and long-term ( less than two years) implementation of the Post-Fukushima recommendations from the date of the fuel-loading clearance”.

Ultimately, the Madras HC did not agree with the plea of the protesters for full implementation of Annexure-8 safety steps before fuel loading is initiated and the matter is now being heard by the Supreme Court. Even as the Supreme Court hearings are going on, the NPCIL and the AERB are already loading the nuclear fuel into KNPP-1.

What the AERB has done is a total volte face of its earlier stated positions in the Madras HC, and contrary to the spirit and recommendations of the AERB Post-Fukushima Safety Evaluation Committee.

This has happened because the DAE, NPCIL and AERB appear to be under the direct control of the PMO on the Kudankulam issue, and none of them dares to take any decisions on their own.

The PM, is for months accused in the national and international press for India’s policy paralysis, the dwindling performance of the power sector, and for substantial slippage in the execution schedules of many major projects. During his last two visits to Russia, the PM promised expeditious completion of KNPP-1&2. The local protests at site have put a monkey wrench into his promises and timetable. PM and his PMO consider their face-saving to be more important than the possibility of imperiling the lives of people living near KNPP-1, and appear to have clearly instructed the DAE-AERB combine to rush through with commissioning the plant. The subservient DAE and AERB seem to be complying with his directions.

In this hurried approach to starting the KNPP-1 project, what essential safety precautions are the NPCIL and AERB tossing by the wayside? As per current plans, the reactor will be operated at least for the first two years or more at the full power level of 1000 MWe, without its primary containment being assessed for its ultimate load-bearing capacity; without the availability of a portable diesel-powered unit with sensors and instrumentation to monitor essential safety parameters in case of a total blackout; in the absence of a set of mobile self-powered pumping set for emergency area use; without rectifying the serious inadequacies in instrumentation for independent monitoring of plant status during major accidents; and without the addition of mobile back-up power units like air-cooled diesel sets. Why each of these actions should take as long as 24 months to complete is unimaginable, but these actions have to be indeedexpedited, since they are all essential for mitigating the consequences of a major accident.

The AERB committee has also strongly recommended the urgent installation of an additional seismically-qualified 8,000 cubic-meter capacity back-up water storage tank as an alternate source for use under emergency situations where such actions as injection of borated water into the core and into the spent-fuel pool, charging water into the steam generator secondary side, etc will require excessive amounts of water. The already provided emergency water-storage facility has not been seismically-qualified and may not withstand moderate earthquakes. This anomaly has to be urgently rectified through analysis and repair. This existing storage was also found to be inadequate in holding capacity , for removing decay heat for a period of a minimum one week . This too is to be rectified. In case of a beyond design basis accident (BDBA), the emergency operating procedures to be used are still to be formulated and documented, to help impart training on BDBA to the operating staff.

It is more than 16 months since the Fukushima accident occurred and NPCIL has not even started planning for these procedures. Each of the above tasks is put in for “short-term” completion, namely, within the next six months. I doubt whether a satisfactory completion of many of these tasks can be achieved in six months, each may take more like one year at least.

As it stands, the important point to note is that NPCIL and AERB are NOT going to carry out any of the short or long-term tasks mentioned above, before the reactor is fuelled and brought to 1000 MWe power level. This approach is totally unacceptable from the safety point of view. Whether these 17 safety corrections are implemented or not, the probability of a major accident will remain more or less the same. But, ALL these safety corrections are necessary to ensure that the mitigation of the consequences will be far more acceptable with the corrections implemented than without, and these safety corrections will provide a distinctly safer environment for populations around the KNPP-1. Therefore, ALL the above-mentioned long-term and short-term safety corrections recommended by the AERB committee must be completed before the reactor is fuelled. Whatever fuel so far loaded into the core can be taken out safely and stored for future use.

The author Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan is a past chairman of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB).

Reproduced from DNA

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Some Facts About Marriage?

Myself By T.V. Antony Raj .




1. Where only ONE person is always right and the other person is always the HUSBAND is termed ‘marriage.’

2. Men will never win the battle of the sexes because HUSBANDS easily fall prey to the enemy.

3. Marriage is a workshop where the Husbands WORK and the wives SHOP.

4. Compromising in marriage means the husband ADMITS he is wrong and  the wife AGREES with him.

5. We call our language MOTHER TONGUE because our FATHERS never gets an opportunity to speak.


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